Sunday, December 18, 2011

Independent Reading: The Adoration of Jenna Fox (Blog 6)

Biotechnology can have a great impact in our lives whether it plays a small role or a huge role. For Jenna Fox, she has learned to accept the benefits and risks of the BioGel invented by her father, and yet proves that science can be surpassed.

"Ten percent is the minimum amount. But people change. And the world will change. Of that much I am certain. Allys and I live together now. We are old women in the skin of teenagers. Another factor father and his scientists didn't count on, that biochips would learn, grow, and mutate because somewhere in that ten percent was a hidden message: survive. The biochips made sure we would" (Pearson, 264). 

Two Hundred and Sixty years later, Jenna Fix and her friend Allys have exceeded the expectations of their parents, scientists, and medical technology in general. I think that it was beneficial that they grew to have the mentality of old women because they now understand the reason they were elected for such experiments.

Pearson possibly used this because she wanted Jenna Fox to establish a legacy even as she is still alive. The effect that creates is a sense of peace and acceptance of a fate that is otherwise unexpected. Jenna knows more about herself now than she ever has.

As humans with the inevitable fate of death, the gift of wisdom and vigilance is the only thing we can rely on once we come closer to our demise. These days, we need to attain wisdom even earlier because of the vast technological breakthroughs. In the future, we may have better or even worse outcomes involving the use of biotechnology. This only means that we need to decide what is best for our health and stop listening to what others think will be best for our health.

It's not just about our health, it also involves our heart and most of it. If we don't feel that it is right to listen to someone else, it wouldn't quite make sense to ignore our instincts. Jenna Fox lets us know that it is okay to even question our parents when it comes to our well being.

As I've mentioned in Blog 5 of "Jenna Fox", we shouldn't take our lives for granted no matter what opportunities we have to improve it. It's only a matter of knowing what we are capable of without relying on anything that would otherwise complicate the task of soul-searching. I think that Jenna Fox manages to keep her identity in a way many will never know how.

Independent Reading: The Adoration of Jenna Fox (Blog 5)

Whenever humans have the opportunity to take years off of their appearance, they will choose whatever option that becomes available to them. However if there ever comes a time when they can also live longer, there is no doubt that they would jump at the chance. But this may not necessarily become a set solution. Either way, we will take both for granted.

"I stare at her. My mother is an older version of me, but she is something I will never be. Old. My skin and bones will not age--my BioGel will simply reach the end of its shelf life and cease to operate. If I were to marry, I would not grow old with my husband. I could either die after to years or outlive him by a hundred. An interesting prospect. What price did Claire pay to keep her only child?" (Pearson, 180)

I think that now that Jenna knows that the BioGel will not allow her to age physically, she wants to know the idea of growing old. I think that many will agree that aging is a very tiring process, but in her situation, she wants what everyone around her has. She wants to be a human in mind, spirit and body. Aging will be a part of her identity.

I think that the author wanted to use this passage to enlighten people that we don't appreciate something until it's gone forever. Aging is beneficial to humans because with age comes not only wisdom, but knowledge of our own limitations. Enlightenment is the effect that this gives.

As humans, we have to understand that nothing lasts forever, but if that wasn't the case we wouldn't have the mindset that our lives and everything in it is so precious. We shouldn't take that gift for granted even if we have the chance to live past life expectancy.

Our depictions of a future like this only means that in our current present, there is nothing more important than knowing that our mortality drives us to do many things we wouldn't have thought of accomplishing before. Growing old teaches us that we are more strong-willed than we could have ever imagined.

Images can be used to manipulate people's minds by showing them the "bad" aspects of aging like wrinkles, sagging skin or approaching death, but what they don't tell them is that they will appreciate the things they had and the opportunities they had been given throughout their lives. It gives them time to reflect of the downfalls or victories they have had, and they no longer take anything for granted.

Independent Reading: The Adoration of Jenna Fox (Blog 4)

Although science can mostly pinpoint the accuracy of a test or experiment, it does not always mean that certain information is left out. Jenna Fox is the absolute embodiment of that.

"There's still more. It speaks to me. Somewhere, winding inside, pieces are trying to come together, synapses trying to form, a complete story trying to connect within. Four hundred billion extra neural chips trying to put together what the old Jenna never could" (138).

I think that Jenna's parents give her less credit than she deserves. They know that the BioGel plays a huge role in her survival and that ten percent of her brain was all they could save. But what they don't know is that science can be surpassed without a thought of improvement, and that is what Jenna has done.

Pearson included this passage because she wanted to show that the human brain, even when it is deprived of all the information it needs, bits and pieces of past memories and personal data will return to fill in the gaps. It is like a mystery that can only be solved naturally, without technology. This creates an effect of revelation for Jenna. She may not remember every detail of her life, but her old memories and identity are surpassing what "The Butterfly" holds. She knows that even medical technology can't stop her fro remembering who she really was.

Humans cannot be limited to what others tell them. Humans won't allow it. If we feel that there is something missing from our lives, we take it as a personal duty to find out what is missing. Like Jenna, we know that there is more to us than we can ever know.

This depiction can only mean that humans will always question science and technology, and even in the future we will wonder if our capabilities can have the upper hand over the things we create. We use languages to manipulate people's minds because as long as they are assured that there is nothing more to something, they will not question the situation.

In my last blog of "Jenna Fox", I talked about trust and how it is important for us to know who will stay with us no matter what, or who will use us as a scapegoat when the time comes. These two topics easily merge because humans put their trust in technology and science on a daily basis, but at the same time, we constantly question what it will do for us in the long run.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Independent Reading: The Adoration of Jenna Fox (Blog 3)

 Trust is one of the most important things that humans rely on to survive. We use trust as a security blanket; the very thing that helps us form lasting relationships and partnerships outside of our personal lives. Without trust we become constantly paranoid of an inevitable doom, and therefore we are unable to enjoy life to the fullest extent.

In Jenna Fox's case, she learns about trust again and how important it is to know the difference between right and wrong, especially around her new friend Dane.

"I'm changing daily. I can see things in faces that I couldn't see just a few days ago. Things that I think other people can't even see. And what I see in Dane's perfectly beautiful face disturbs me. Emptiness. The word is strong in my head, and yet I wonder if it could be the wrong one" (Pearson, 98).

I think that Jenna senses that Dane may have a background that would cause concern if she had her full memory back. Although she sees one thing in his face, his eyes may be telling another story. She thinks that his face is empty because she knows that there is more to him than what she sees compared to what  everyone else sees. This is not necessarily a good thing.

The reason Pearson included this in the text was because Jenna needed to reestablish the instincts that used to tell her who she should and should not trust. This creates an almost foreshadowing effect that will determine whether Dane is worthy of her trust.

As humans with natural instincts, there's a good chance that we can tell when it's okay to put our trust in a person we've only known for a few days compared to our own close relationships. But in some unfortunate instances, some people cannot even trust their own family or friends. This may not become a situation in most of our relationships, but for Jenna, it is very important for her to know who she can trust. At this point in the book, she is having a hard time trusting her parents.

People's minds can easily be manipulated through trust, which is unfortunate because it leaves people unable to trust ever again. In our current present, there is little hope for trust outside of our families in the near future.

Independent Reading: The Adoration of Jenna Fox (Blog 2)

The will to please our loved ones is a burden that has always haunted people, especially those who feel that it is not always right to listen if it doesn't feel right.

"The rage is doubling, multiplying, filling my vision like a black cloud. I can hardly see as each step brings me closer to my room. Go to your room, Jenna. And I am. I am. I collapse on the last stair and rock back and forth silently. What world have I woken up to? What nightmare am I in? Why am I compelled to do as Mother says even when I have a desperate need to do something else?/ If Jenna Fox was a weak-willed coward, I don't want to be her at all" (Pearson, 41).

Personally, I feel that Jenna is being controlled too much for the progress she has been making since her accident. I am sure that Jenna's mother is afraid of her knowing the truth about her waking through the things her daughter wants to experience again like school. This tactic of shielding her from the world is already backfiring because someone who is eager to learn about themselves will take the liberty of finding out without hesitance.

The purpose of this passage was to question what it is like for someone to want to be own self when the people they love tries to keep them from learning about themselves. The effect that this creates is the desire for someone to find their true reason for being alive. People like Jenna Fox want to know what their purpose is in life without having to worry about restrictions or limitations.

As human beings, it is impossible for us to follow instructions that we are not comfortable with or otherwise wrong in our eyes. In extreme cases, the things some people perceive as right is not moral or even natural in the eyes of the majority of people, but otherwise, humans will do what their heart tells them. Our depections of the future reveals that in our current society, we may have less control over the things we want to do. In time, we may be unable to do many of the things we love to do.

In my first blog of "Jenna Fox", I brought up the necessity for humans to wonder about their true identity even when they have no recollection of their own memories.

The use of certain propaganda and languages can persuade us to think or take action in a way that doesn't reflect who we really are, therefore, we as humans should continue to do what our heart tells us.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Independent Reading: The Adoration of Jenna Fox (Blog 1)

Biotechnology is not something new to humans. In fact, humans discovered biotechnology when they realized that they could plant their own crops and breed their own animals. Now that we are learning more about different and new organisms, we are able to gain the ability to control the many functions of various cells and organisms. In time with the right technology, scientists can even increase human health and life spans. But the thought of increasing human life using science causes hesitance or even fear that humanity is gaining too much power over human destiny.

In The Adoration of Jenna Fox, it shows the profound effect biotechnology can have on a person after a catostraphic accident.

"The accident was over a year ago. I've been awake for two weeks. Over a year has vanished. I've gone from sixteen to seventeen. A second woman has been elected president. A twelfth planet has been named in the solar system. The last wild polar bear has died. Headline news that couldn't stir me. I slept through it all./ Father was here for my waking. He called it a beginning. He said it was good. I think he may have thought that anything I did was good" (Pearson, 6).

To me, I find it ironic that Jenna Fox knows about all the events that have been happening while she was in the coma, but she cannot remember anything about her life past the two weeks she has been awake. She has to learn everything she has ever known about herself and being a fully functioning human being all over again, and she fully relies on her parents to help her. Basically, she is like a baby.

The purpose of this passage was to not only create the impression of a lost girl, but an experiment that has come about due to her waking from the coma. Pearson has achieved in her purpose by giving the parents the need to make her think that everything is all right even though she has no recollection of her life. Overall the effect that has been created is like a reincarnation of the old Jenna Fox, and she has been transformed into a person who thinks more about her own existence and life in general.

As a human, I think this helps us question how our memories work once they have been taken away from us. If we were in Jenna's place, we'd wonder if the stories we hear about what we used to do was our true identity, and of course we would then try to gain it back.

 The use of language is very important because when people measure their words like Jenna's father does, we cannot always assume that what they are telling us is the truth.  This very depiction of the experiment that is being done on Jenna Fox shows that in our present society, we really have to depend on ourselves to know who we are.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Clothing In The Future

In the constantly changing fashion industry, designers are setting their sights on the future of clothing and how it will affect how we get dressed. Back in the 1920s, America’s vision of clothing for the 21st century was a far cry from the clothing we actually wear today. We still do not wear skintight bodysuits that glow in the dark. But designers and scientists have recently teamed up to come up with clothing that control a person’s health and emotions, or even clothing that will be able to power our electronics.
“Nanotechnology might soon be able to use the wearer’s kinetic energy to convert it into electricity for powering small electronic devices. Practical applications could be in the clothes of hikers and soldiers, powering devices that could potentially save lives, and this could become a regular feature in our clothing to power our mobile phones, MP3 players and more. Scientists are also examining how energy-scavenging fabrics could convert low-frequency vibrations into electricity, without affecting the look of the clothing as nanowires are entwined with fabric fibers.”
            If this is the case, it will be beneficial to the environment as well as our health in the future. Although these fashions may not be available for another few decades to the general public, we can rely on the fact that clothing will provide a new use rather than making us look great.

Do Humanlike Robots Hold The Key To Improve Communication In Patients?

It appears that Japan has done it yet again. As one of the top countries in producing remarkable advances in modern technology, many people have come to believe that Asians have the best to offer when it comes to technology.
            It’s hard to believe that robots we picture as metallic, industrial experiments have been transformed into humanlike individuals that can communicate with us on a casual level. The esteemed company known as AIST has produced a female robot called the Actroid-F Robot by Kokoro, which looks, talks and has the same facial expressions as that of an actual woman. She carries the presence of a human as well as any real person, because of her ability to imitate movements and make eye contact with someone in which she is speaking to.
The scientists who came up with this idea conducted an experiment that they believe holds the solution to improving communication skills among children with developmental disorders and to help prevent mental decline in elderly patients.
“Because these robots look human, they have a very strong presence. I think their psychological impact on people is much bigger than with robots that are simply shaped like people, or animal-shaped robots. When this robot went to a hospital for a month during a trial, we felt lonely, as if someone had moved out… It’s often said that the more human a robot looks, the more small differences make people feel uneasy. In our research, when we use this robot in the field, we check that it matches its surroundings and doesn’t look out of place. When we tested the robot in a hospital, we asked 70 subjects if having an android there made them feel uneasy. Only 3 or 4 people said they didn’t like having it around, and overall, quite a lot of people said they felt this robot itself had an acceptable presence.”
Although these robots are meant to have much better purposes in the future, this is the first step of many solutions that robots will provide for humans as we become more dependent on technology.

Will We Ever See An End To War?

For as long as humans have been on this earth, two different cultures cannot seem to get along. Disagreements are everywhere and frankly unavoidable whether it’s between two people or two continents. In at least every lifetime there is some sort of widespread conflict, and this shows that human nature is what causes these impulses to fight.  

            War has always been meant to resolve a situation between both parties, but war would not be what it is without several fights breaking out. It makes people forget what they are trying to achieve and turns into an unrestrained mess that can take many years to go away. In those years so much innocent lives and expenses are lost only to result in an even worse situation than before. For example, for nearly ten years the United States has been wrapped up in the War on Terror in the Middle East, and now that affairs have become this rocky with the other side of the world, it’s much too dangerous to just quit. Which brings the question to mind, will we ever escape the threat of war anytime soon?

            As citizens who are bound to have children and families in the future, no one feels secure with the fear of a major attack on American soil on our minds every day. Our children will not feel secure, and in situations such as our conflict overseas there is really no one to blame though it may seem that way. The simple solution would be to remain neutral with other countries, but there is always a group who feel that it is their duty to make sure that a country pays for what they have “done” to them. So the reality is, we can never get ourselves out of war.

How Will the Future Affect Our Environment?

When people think of the future and the environment, a grim vision of the result of global warming comes to mind. In many futuristic portrayals, we mostly see clean, lovely cities that show no signs of any environmental deterioration. But in others, the environment is described as what will end up as a complete wasteland. These types of visions of the future reveal that society either believes that the future will be clean and bright, or dark and polluted. Concern about the environment has recently started a change for the better by making sure that the earth remains at its “natural temperature.” Energy efficiency and recycling has become an important part of preserving the earth’s energy since the threat of global warming has become ever prevalent in our lives.
            Over the years we seem to have forgotten that the atmosphere is the very reason we are breathing. Pollution and improper waste disposal has not only altered, but destroyed the delicate balance of the earth and how it functions weather wise. Our very survival depends on nature, yet we treat it like our dumping ground. But if we consider what earth has done for us, it will only be essential that we return the favor. Not only will our efforts to keep the earth clean pay off in the future, but we can rest easily knowing that it will be better for our own health and the next generation to come.    

Our Future and the Government

Can we really trust the government to fix our complex and disordered society, or will we end up searching forever for someone who can lead us towards the path of an ideal Utopia? Truth is, there is no such thing as a perfect society and we’ve come to accept that. But many people may question whether it’s worth voting for eligible candidates who might otherwise run our country into the ground.
The future does not look so bright regarding the state of affairs between governments twisted in conflict, including between the United States and the Middle East. Since 2001 Americans have been putting their faith in someone who can get us out of the daily situations and disasters we are faced with. To me, I don’t understand why we still vote for a new governor or president every year if nothing seems to be improving. Although not all candidates have the same methods for improving the country, no one can rest easily if their efforts add up to nothing.
We have plenty to thank the government and how safe it has kept our cities and states, but sometimes it seems as though they are digging ourselves into an even deeper hole as our lives progress. As long as people feel that they have to rely on one person to decide their future, I don’t think that all of the world’s problems will be solved.

Racial Equality and Diversity

We have every right to thank leaders like Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Abraham Lincoln and other fearless leaders for our racial freedom. Because of the risks they took and the criticism they equally faced in the past we can rest easily knowing that racism won’t be in our future. Or so we think.

The fact is nothing can really go away as far as the time it has been gone. Because of large historical events such as the African slave trade, the Holocaust, Pearl Harbor and September 11, harsh racism and misleading stereotypes have since then blurred the world’s, mostly America’s, perception of different races. Although most humans have learned to accept the diversity in our current society, it still does not mean that racism has completely faded. But if we teach the next generation that there are different and beautiful cultures besides the one they were born into, they can learn to accept diversity much more than we currently do.

I believe that the future will be beneficial for the world because we will have learned that diversity is an essential part of learning and that the values of other races and cultures can teach us more about ourselves than anything.

Will Cancer Be Cured in the Future?

For years scientists and doctors have been searching for cures for diseases such as cancer. Fundraisers and organizations have raised billions; possibly trillions of dollars for research in hopes that it will put an end to this devastating disease. But with all this money being spent, will we ever find a permanent solution to cancer?
            There is nothing more terrifying and crushing than learning that you’ve been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness like cancer. Most feel as if all the hard work they’ve put into their lives have gone to waste as a result of this, because they cannot help but think that the end is near. True, many people diagnosed with cancer have been fully cured with the help of resilient drugs or chemotherapy, but many more have died because of late diagnosis or insufficient medicine. This leaves us to wonder, are we on the brink of finding the cure that will terminate cancer forever or will we spend the rest of our lives putting money into research for something that will never be fully cured?
            Due to remarkable progress of research clinics, scientists have made great steps in cancer biology. More and more people are fighting this terrible disease and survival rates are shooting through the roof every day. So whether or not you believe that this research is going all for naught, the efforts that are being made to end cancer forever is nothing short of a miracle.            

The 3-D Epidemic: Will All Entertainment Be Available In 3-D?

It was not until 2009 after the successful release of James Cameron’s film Avatar that using the Fusion Camera System became a suitable idea for other movie directors. This much anticipated movie paved the way for a whole new craze in Hollywood, and changed the way Americans wanted to watch movies. In less than two years the demand for 3-Dimensional picture has become extremely mainstream, so much so that it’s birthed new technology for household entertainment. These days a person can purchase their very own 3-D television, digital camera, even a video game that promises vivid reach-out-and-touch quality. And these days it seems to be everywhere we turn. There will be much more in store for this technology, but does this mean that we will see an end to 2-Dimensional products?

            I have my own opinions regarding 3-D, including the reason why it gives me a headache and how I don’t like images jumping into my face. But that’s just my opinion. Just because I don’t like 3-D it doesn’t mean that everyone should. But recently I’ve grown somewhat comfortable with the idea of 3-D after a visit to Best Buy. As I looked around the store for a pair of headphones, I found that one of the Panasonic display TVs presented their newest technology in High Definition 3-D. To show just how exciting it would be to own one of these televisions, a pair of battery powered glasses were displayed for anyone to try out if they were interested. My mother tried, followed by my sister and my brother. Despite my own apprehension, I pulled the glasses over my eyes just as a clip from Avatar popped onto the screen. This 3-D was not the same in-your-face 3-D quality that left me scarred after watching that interactive Dinosaur film at Six Flags when I was six. After my freshman year had ended, my family’s trip to Disney World also left me uncomfortable watching the attraction Honey, I Shrunk the Audience in its less advanced 3-D quality. The technology used for Panasonic was something that I found myself actually enjoying rather than leaving the 3-D glasses halfway on my face, and I was positive that I would eventually like 3-D.

            There is no doubt that 3-D will be a huge part of our lives in the near future, and we can all but accept that this will soon run 2-D technology towards the very brink of extinction. The future as we know it is fast approaching.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Addiction to Technology: Are We Too Dependent?

With the never-ending flurry of modern technology becoming more common than ever, we have to wonder if most everyday tasks, if not all will be replaced with a touch-screen function. For the sake of convenience and cost, most people these days would not argue with the idea of instant access to “apps” that help us keep track of our favorite celebrities or download the local newspaper. Why read the paper when we can take a quick glimpse at our phones or tablets during the morning commute? Perhaps the world will certainly see a dwindling of newspapers in the near future.

Not only are newspapers slowly losing their appeal, but books as well. Last year countless book stores were put out of business because of the recent marketing of the Kindle E-Reader, which is a super thin, lightweight device that allows someone to download any book on the market without having to deal with the weight and girth of a real book. Although it is great that people still want to curl up to a good book, what does this mean for the next generation of children? By the time they grow enough to develop reading skills, books will have become a thing of the past. To make things worse, what if touch screen devices such as the Kindle or I-Pad replace the use of textbooks in schools.  

In my opinion, I find this epidemic very alarming knowing that in the future I would like to have a family of my own. A few weeks ago on the internet I discovered the latest technology in educational toys from VTech. The V.Reader Interactive E-Reading System provides a new and fun way for children to learn how to read and write with the help of interactive characters such as Disney Princesses and Elmo. I grew concerned when I discovered that the target age was meant for children between the ages of 3 to 7 years old. This will probably not affect how they use a pencil or read a book, but if more and more children become familiar with these devices, I fear that they will have no desire to physically write on a sheet of paper or flip through a book.

It is not always true that nothing is authentic anymore, but libraries and schools will have no hope if no one takes the effort of learning traditionally.