Sunday, October 30, 2011

Will Cancer Be Cured in the Future?

For years scientists and doctors have been searching for cures for diseases such as cancer. Fundraisers and organizations have raised billions; possibly trillions of dollars for research in hopes that it will put an end to this devastating disease. But with all this money being spent, will we ever find a permanent solution to cancer?
            There is nothing more terrifying and crushing than learning that you’ve been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness like cancer. Most feel as if all the hard work they’ve put into their lives have gone to waste as a result of this, because they cannot help but think that the end is near. True, many people diagnosed with cancer have been fully cured with the help of resilient drugs or chemotherapy, but many more have died because of late diagnosis or insufficient medicine. This leaves us to wonder, are we on the brink of finding the cure that will terminate cancer forever or will we spend the rest of our lives putting money into research for something that will never be fully cured?
            Due to remarkable progress of research clinics, scientists have made great steps in cancer biology. More and more people are fighting this terrible disease and survival rates are shooting through the roof every day. So whether or not you believe that this research is going all for naught, the efforts that are being made to end cancer forever is nothing short of a miracle.            

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