Sunday, October 30, 2011

Racial Equality and Diversity

We have every right to thank leaders like Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Abraham Lincoln and other fearless leaders for our racial freedom. Because of the risks they took and the criticism they equally faced in the past we can rest easily knowing that racism won’t be in our future. Or so we think.

The fact is nothing can really go away as far as the time it has been gone. Because of large historical events such as the African slave trade, the Holocaust, Pearl Harbor and September 11, harsh racism and misleading stereotypes have since then blurred the world’s, mostly America’s, perception of different races. Although most humans have learned to accept the diversity in our current society, it still does not mean that racism has completely faded. But if we teach the next generation that there are different and beautiful cultures besides the one they were born into, they can learn to accept diversity much more than we currently do.

I believe that the future will be beneficial for the world because we will have learned that diversity is an essential part of learning and that the values of other races and cultures can teach us more about ourselves than anything.

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